高中英語聽力全真模擬試題+1MP3出版社:常春籐作者:賴世雄優惠價:9折179元本書《高中英語聽力全真模擬試題》為因應大考中心高中英語聽力測驗目標及題型,製作二十回仿真模擬試題。 隨著大學校園國際化之趨勢,大學入學考試亦邁入更多元化的評量方式,針對高中學生英語聽力進行綜合評量,落實高中英文…more
In Sync (4A&4B) Motivator出版社:東華作者:Clare Maxwell優惠價:350元In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of teenagers. Features 1. Brings languages learning to life 2. Enables students to succeed 3. Offers e…more
In Sync (4) Class Audio CDs/3片出版社:東華作者:Ingird Freebairn、Jonathan Bygrave、Judy Copage優惠價:750元In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of teenagers. Features 1. Brings languages learning to life 2. Enables students to succeed 3. Offers e…more
In Sync (4) Digital Interactive Whiteboard Software CD/1片出版社:東華作者:Ingrid Freebairn、Jonathan Bygrave、Judy Copage優惠價:800元In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of teenagers. Features 1. Brings languages learning to life 2. Enables students to succeed 3. Offers e…more
In Sync (4) Motivator出版社:東華作者:Clare Maxwell優惠價:350元In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of teenagers. Features 1. Brings languages learning to life 2. Enables students to succeed 3. Offers e…more
In Sync (3A&3B) Class Audio CDs/4片出版社:東華作者:Liz Kibey、Ingrid Freebairn、Jonathan Bygrave、Judy Copage優惠價:750元In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of teenagers. Features 1. Brings languages learning to life 2. Enables students to succeed 3. Offers e…more
In Sync (4A&4B) Digital Interactive Whiteboard Software CD/1片出版社:東華作者:Ingrid Freebairn、Jonathan Bygrave、Judy Copage優惠價:800元In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of teenagers. Features 1. Brings languages learning to life 2. Enables students to succeed 3. Offers e…more
教你看懂財經英文:一次掌握關鍵詞彙概念(16K軟皮精裝+1MP3)出版社:寂天作者:Curtis M. Revis Seubert/著、王正宜/校對優惠價:9折539元適合欲學習商業、財經英文的中高級學習者自修使用 本書是一本專為欲學習商業財經英文的中高級學習者,所編寫的財經英文學習書。書中廣泛涵蓋各類財經主題基礎知識及字彙,包括: 企業財務狀況(Financial Situations in a Corporation) 貨…more
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